

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,一架乌克兰客机在伊朗德黑兰(Tehran)伊玛目·霍梅尼国际机场(Imam Khomeini Airport)附近坠毁,共造成176人身亡。

176 killed after Ukraine International Airlines plane crashes in Tehran shortly after takeoff


All 176 people on board a Ukraine International Airlines flight were killed when it crashed shortly after takeoff from Imam Khomeini Airport in Tehran, the country's Press TV reported.

on board

1)表示“在船上(或飞机上、火车上)”,英文解释为“on or in a ship, an aircraft or a train”举个🌰:

Have the passengers gone on board yet?


2)作形容词短语,表示“支持的;赞同的”,英文解释为“If a person or group of people is on board, they support you and agree with what you are doing.”举个🌰:

We were able to keep some people on board.



1)表示“使…撞毁;撞毁”,英文解释为“If a moving vehicle crashes or if the driver crashes it, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed.”举个🌰:

The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Tehran. 


2)crash还可以表示“(发出巨响)猛撞,猛击”,英文解释为“to hit something or someone extremely hard while moving, in a way that causes a lot of damage or makes a lot of noise”,举个🌰:

We watched the waves crashing against the rocks.


The Boeing 737 jet took off early Wednesday morning with 167 passengers and nine crew on board, Press TV reported, citing Ali Khashani, a senior public relations official at the airport.


1)作名词,表示“全体船员;全体机务人员”,英文解释为“The crew of a ship, an aircraft, or a spacecraft is the people who work on and operate it.”举个🌰:

The mission for the crew of the space shuttle is essentially over.


2)作名词,表示“一组工作人员”,英文解释为“A crew is a group of people with special technical skills who work together on a task or project.”如:a two-man film crew making a documentary 一个制作纪录片的两人摄制组。

3)作动词,表示“当船员;充当…的船员”,英文解释为“If you crew a boat, you work on it as part of the crew.”举个🌰:

This neighbour crewed on a ferryboat. 


Earlier reports from Iranian state media had said 180 people were on board.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a Facebook post that the country's embassy in Iran is "working to clarify information on the circumstances of the tragedy and the list of deceasedpassengers."


表示“大使及其随员;大使馆”,英文解释为“An embassy is a group of government officials, headed by an ambassador, who represent their government in a foreign country. The building in which they work is also called an embassy.”举个🌰:

The American embassy has already complained.



表示“死去了的;已死的;亡故的”,英文解释为“A deceased person is one who has recently died.”如:her deceased parents 她已故的双亲。

Zelensky said that he would cancel the rest of his current trip to Oman and would return to Kiev due to the crash.

· Oman 阿曼(西南亚国家)

· Kiev 基辅(乌克兰共和国首都)

"My sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of all passengers and crew members," Zelensky said.


1)作名词,通常为复数,表示“哀悼”,英文解释为“When you offer or express your condolences to someone, you express your sympathy for them because one of their friends or relatives has died recently.”举个🌰:

He expressed his condolences to the families of the people who died in the incident. 


2)作不可数名词,表示“吊唁”,英文解释为“A message of condolence is a message in which you express your sympathy for someone because one of their friends or relatives has died recently.”举个🌰:

She sent him a letter of condolence


Emergency crews were dispatched to the crash site but could not assist because the area was ablaze, said Pirhossein Koulivand, the head of Iran's Emergency Medical Services. Koulivand told state-run media outlet IRINN that the crash site is between the cities of Parand and Shahriar.


1)表示“派遣”,英文解释为“If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason.”举个🌰:

He had been continually dispatching scouts ahead.


2)表示“发送”,英文解释为“If you dispatch a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or destination.”举个🌰:

The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Tom. 



1)表示“熊熊燃烧的”,英文解释为“Something that is ablaze is burning very fiercely.”举个🌰:

Stores, houses, and vehicles were set ablaze


2)表示“光彩夺目的”,英文解释为“If a place is ablaze with lights or colours, it is very bright because of them.”举个🌰:

The chamber was ablaze with light. 


昨天在超2万只考拉在澳大利亚山火中死亡一文中刚出现的名词:blaze,通常用于新闻报道表示“火灾,烈火,大火”,如:灭火、控制火势fight/tackle/control a blaze,化工厂的一场大火 a huge chemical factory blaze。

Flight-tracking service FlightRadar 24 said in a tweet that the jet had been in service for about three and a half years. Data from FlightRadar 24 suggests that the crash could have happened as quickly as two minutes after takeoff.

in service/out of service

表示“(不)在使用中”,英文解释为“If a piece of equipment or type of vehicle is in service, it is being used or is able to be used. If it is out of service, it is not being used, usually because it is not working properly.”举个🌰:

Cuts in funding have meant that equipment has been kept in service long after it should have been replaced. 


Iran's semi-official news agency ISNA reported the crash was due to technical difficulties. A Boeing spokesperson told CNN they are "aware of the media reports out of Iran and we are gathering more information."

The crash takes place just days before the company's new CEO David Calhoun will formally take the job. Calhoun replaces Dennis Muilenburg, who was ousted in December after Boeing's disastrous year.


表示“罢黜;把…撤职;驱逐”,英文解释为“If someone is ousted from a position of power, job, or place, they are forced to leave it.”举个🌰:

Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city.


上周在真人版“越狱”?日产前CEO戈恩“大逃亡”一文中也刚出现了这一表达:He was ousted from his posts at Nissan (NSANF) and Mitsubishi Motors following his arrest in November 2018, and later resigned from Renault (RNLSY).


表示“极糟糕的;灾难性的;完全失败的”,英文解释为“very bad, harmful or unsuccessful”,如:a disastrous harvest/fire/result 严重歉收/火灾;灾难性的结果。


The American aviation giant is still reeling from the aftermath of two 737 Max crashes, which killed 346 people. The Max has been grounded worldwide since March, and the company has struggled with delays and other issues in its bid to get the planes back in the air.

reel from

表示“感到震惊;感觉心烦意乱”,英文解释为“to feel very shocked or upset about sth”举个🌰:

I was still reeling from the shock.



表示“(灾难性大事件的) 后果”,英文解释为“The aftermath of an important event, especially a harmful one, is the situation that results from it. ”举个🌰:

A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.



1)表示“使停飞;阻止…起飞”,英文解释为“to prevent an aircraft from taking off”举个🌰:

All planes out of Tehran have been grounded by the accident.


2)表示“(使)搁浅,触海底”,英文解释为“when a boat grounds or sth grounds it, it touches the bottom of the sea and is unable to move”举个🌰:

The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Tehran.



表示“力求获得;努力争取”,英文解释为“If you bid for something or bid to do something, you try to obtain it or do it.”举个🌰:
Ukraine Airlines is rumoured to be bidding for a management contract to run both airports.

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